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Manhole shaft mortars
Manhole shaft mortar is a bricklaying mortar or a liquid mortar with particular specifications regarding strength. It is also used when regulating manhole frames.
All-in-one cement based mortar, with organic and inorganic additives and high early strength.
- granular powder
- size of particles < 3,5 mm
- consistency: can be worked as a stiff mix by hand
Technical info
- fast drying
- high stability
- no shrinking in wet conditions
- expanding > 0.1 vol %
- high resistance to dynamic forces
- good adhesive properties
- waterproof
- can be applied in thick layers
Areas of Application
- sandwich construction and repair of concrete parts;
- construction mortar for manholes, conduits, sewers and reservoirs; fixing of manhole covers and paving stones
ERGELIT Superfix 10
All-in-one cement based mortar, with organic and inorganic additives and high early strength.
- granular powder
- size of particles < 1mm
- consistency: from plastic to fluid.
Technical info
- Hardens rapidly
- Shrink-resistant in damp conditions
- Expands > 0·1 vol. %
- Frost-proof and resistant to road-salt
- Flowability > 65 cm
- Acid and alkali resistant between pH 3-10
- Chloride-free
- High resistance to dynamic forces
- Waterproof
- Oil resistant
- Good adhesive properties
As concrete. Accredited for use in drinking water applications. See also the safety sheet.
Areas of Application
For bedding in or repairing:
- machinery anchorage points
- bridge bearings
- machinery foundations
- posts
- plates
- connections to domestic systems
- turbines
- prefabricated concrete sections
- rail anchors
- for filling-in gaps
- manhole frames
ERGELIT Superfix 35F
All-in-one cement based mortar, with organic and inorganic additives and with fibres
- granular powder
- size of particles < 3.5mm
- consistency: from plastic to fluid
Technical info
- Rapid hardening
- No shrinking in damp conditions
- Waterproof
- Chloride free
- Resistant to acid and alkali at pH 3-10
- High resistance to dynamic forces
- Oil resistant
- Resistant to frost and road-salt
- flowability > 65cm
- Expansion > 0.1 vol. %
Areas of Application
For bedding in or repairing:
- machinery anchorage points
- posts
- plates
- connections to domestic systems
- bridge supports
- sealing gaps > 10mm
- repairing kerbs
- steps and small sections of concrete flooring
- fixing traffic signs