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Tiling with ERGELIT
Tile laying mortars have a soft plastic consistency. They are used for laying tiles as well as both small and large ceramic or fired-basalt plates with cross studs or ribbing on the back. These are used in sewers in all situations. Once they have set hard, tile-laying mortars are suitable in situations where there is waterlogging from the outside. The plates are usually fixed using a buttering technique. Many tile-laying mortars are also used for reprofiling.
All-in-one cement based mortar, with organic and inorganic additives and high early strength.
- granular powder
- size of particles < 3,5 mm
- consistency: can be worked as a stiff mix by hand
Technical info
- fast drying
- high stability
- no shrinking in wet conditions
- expanding > 0.1 vol %
- high resistance to dynamic forces
- good adhesive properties
- waterproof
- can be applied in thick layers
Areas of Application
- sandwich construction and repair of concrete parts;
- construction mortar for manholes, conduits, sewers and reservoirs; fixing of manhole covers and paving stones
All-in-one mortar with organic and inorganic additives, which hardens in a few seconds even under water.
Technical info
- Granular powder
- Particle size ˂ 1mm
- Consistency: stiff
- Rapid hardening
- Does not shrink in wet conditions
- Resistant to acid and alkalis
- Excellent adhesive characteristics
- Waterproof
- Oil resistant
Areas of Application
- For coating leaking pipes
- For repairing concrete and for sealing pipes against water ingress.
- For coating floors
- walls or roofs against water penetration
All-in-one cement based mortar, with organic and inorganic additives, for protection against corrosion.
- Size of particles < 1mm
- Consistency: plastic to stiff-plastic
Technical info
- can be applied manually or by wet or dry spraying; pumpable
- pipework can be used after only 4 hours at ambient temperature of 10 ° C
- thixotropic
- rebound approx. 3 % in good spraying conditions
- highly alkaline
- very good tensile bond strength (depending on the substrate)
- high adhesive strength even when fresh
- high resistance to abrasion
- sulphate resistant
- impermeable to water
- resistant to frost and road salt
- resistant to temperature of effluent: short-term peaks up to 100 °C and long-term up to 90 °C
Areas of Application
- coating large areas in pipes, water supply & sewage installations, holding tanks and pre-cast sections
- renovating inverts
- grouting brickwork and stoneware tiles
- laying clinker slabs
- protecting against corrosion caused by industrial effluent from pH 3 to 11and low H2S
- protecting against effluent containing e.g. sulphates, magnesium, ammonia, oil, grease, benzol, benzene
- as per EN 206 for exposure class XA3 (highly aggressive chemical environment)
- sealing against ground water pressure
- use in drinking water protected areas and for coating drinking water storage tanks